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Cisco 2960 常用命令

•        interface vlan 1: This is a global command that configures the interface for default LAN (VLAN 1).5 k9 N+ i9 h1 R. l
•        ip default-gateway [address]: This is a global command and set default gateway.
1 j9 A" @0 I1 q•        ip address [address][subnet mask]: This command configures the interface and sets the ip address.2 f+ }5 V( I9 j. k& E$ z. [9 Z
•        interface fast Ethernet 0/x: This command puts users into user configuration mode., G' q/ V9 Q( C7 b6 ~& N; r6 j& p
•        speed {10/100/1000/auto/nonegotiate}: This command sets the interface’s speed.
) \1 D, I6 v3 @$ X: w( t% M% O, G•        duplex {auto/full/half}: This command sets duplex mode for the interface.+ s9 j' Z0 @; k
•        hostname [name]: This command assigns a host name to the switch./ k6 r' ~' O/ a" N1 J+ T7 Z. ~$ ~
•        line vty 0 15: This command enters vty (telnet) configuration mode.
# @7 H, K( E; d0 F, p•        line con 0: This command enters console configuration mode.# k& Q1 V* M# v. v9 d
•        login: This command tells the switch to ask for a password.6 f6 g3 P& U9 J% v8 O0 \
•        password [password]: This command sets the password.
0 G1 \' W2 g. B  t  `- L•        enable password [password]: This command sets the password to enter privileged mode.
+ X: l$ M9 G* t4 A; l& G•        enable secret [password]: This command sets encrypted password.
7 I; K9 r/ o& l# c/ C  o•        configure terminal: This command enters configuration mode.
! @7 ^0 F4 N  h# D' i, R3 U' l•        show interfaces fastethernet 0/x: This command displays interface status.5 w9 s, ?# G! k0 [/ j
•        show interfaces: This command displays information of all interfaces.
4 I; G/ [, \& p0 f! C& l•        show interfaces vlan 1: This command displays the ip address configuration.) b* k/ _9 P7 \. t
•        show [running/startup]-config: This command displays RAM/NVRAM settings.
% H( @3 \* ~  `/ ~# R7 V2 ?2 `•        show-mac-address-table: This command displays the MAC address table.8 f1 e( d% B; H/ b0 M3 \
•        show version: This command displays the switch’s hardware and software status.: ?- t. u1 V+ e9 f5 c( Q
•        show flash: This command displays the files and directories in the flash.! A* l8 c6 Y! G8 U/ x3 ]' M: M# t/ `
•        show history: This command displays the last ten commands.
. N3 }8 B  G9 W5 a1 c•        show cdp neighbors (detail): This command displays the information of neighboring Cisco devices connected to the switch.
' P; I5 p# r: L•        show log: This command displays logging messages of the switch.. [3 ?! g6 U" [* \  A+ {& x- N' i  L
•        copy run start / write mem: This command saves configurations from RAM to NVRAM.
Bill Tang     MSN:billtang@openplatform.com.hk
Openplatform Technology Co.,Ltd. 資訊坊科技有限公司  
Tel: 852-27491011  Fax: 852-81483532


