SlidingDrawer 隱藏式抽屜 is a container that when dragged or pressed shows/hides its contents.
As the SlidingDrawer displays one content at a time, it must be declared within FrameLayout
the SlidingDrawer has two key properties:
android:handle: specifies the id of the control that acts as the handle.
android:content: specifies the id of the view that acts as content of the SlidingDrawer, most times will be a container.
you can open/close the drawer from the code like this:
if(drawer.isOpened()) { drawer.close();
btnToggle.setText("Open"); }
else {;
btnToggle.setText("Close"); }
you can open/close the drawer with animation using these methods instead
or you can handle the open/close operations automatically using toggle method:
you can lock/unlock the SlidingDrawer to enable/disable dragging or clicking of the drawer using these methods:
Responding to SlidingDrawer Events:
SlidingDrawer has three key callbacks:
when the drawer is open, handled by implementing OnDrawerOpenListener.
when the drawer is close, handled by implementing OnDrawerCloseListener.
when the drawer is close, handled by implementing OnDrawerScroll