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Hi, SOS... I used Hutchison before and just changed to Netvigator.  Netvigator C fu helped me to reset the setting on the page of   I can search my WRT54GC router but unable to get through internet.  Then I tried to the page of since yesterday but unable to connect to and keep showing Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage... Can anybody help me.. thanks alot!!!!!:'(


Hi, thanks alot for your reply
7 B& d; U! u7 o- F: j: X' F4 X
3 h7 f" K& M1 f' o2 uI have not applied wireless service but only internet so the c fu said he will not assit me to set wireless but finally he tried to help and unable to fix it then he left ....
5 \$ \/ p' T' V" p- l" y3 Z0 J* i& I. h; w# N. H( `) |
I am using Vista and not knowing how to find  執行 (of course I know the start button) ... sorry ar...  
( M! L8 E% L5 U- k: W! KThe router setting was set by a friend of mine some time ago so I dare not to reset the router setting.  Meanwhile, my computer can still search my router.  Thanks again!


Hi, I found Run and tried below...
' s+ w: f. R8 d, ?" v% [Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6001]
: E1 X) h9 s# A4 I9 ]Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.9 Z9 o6 N9 Z0 |. J1 J
$ B; p/ |; P8 m% `
/ Z0 ]- U; N. N4 Q'WRT54GC' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
3 ?4 ]; F" l  J" @operable program or batch file./ d: w" N9 ^$ o+ ~- p1 d
7 ?+ X  t* v3 o- h: X# J+ S: x
C:\Users\HP_Owner>ping WRT54GC$ j7 g( g* _' z0 _& ]+ f7 G
Ping request could not find host WRT54GC. Please check the name and try again.5 X+ D$ B" V9 g$ c

# l& H! l+ e2 g0 aC:\Users\HP_Owner>ping r7 }' ~, }/ l6 y" N& `) j

0 ~7 u3 {4 Y7 e2 dPinging with 32 bytes of data:
( a. h2 R4 x1 W2 G9 D' ?' ERequest timed out.
8 Z2 m7 t! d& v& S3 C. J/ k$ K& C: D: URequest timed out.
- K* s8 U' p  GRequest timed out.& f5 o% ^9 q: g% b1 L% ~1 K
Request timed out.
. g4 R) K2 g3 `5 A( Z) f7 e$ E2 t9 w. B* K4 F2 ^6 a, T
Ping statistics for$ o$ L. V- Q* M
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss)," ^1 p$ @1 ^- |  G9 Y/ s( P
5 {' p1 ?6 A; I) d

