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Wi-Fi doctor

Visualize your Wi-Fi system in real-time
7 V* [6 k2 |/ ]- G, e% T; H! SSeeing is Believing --- the real-time maps and charts can shorten your time to solve the problem of the Wi-Fi system you manage.

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Applicable for Wi-Fi system implemented in: Campus, Container port, Airport6 a5 x# p2 u" V: W/ k: q
; ^+ u* d  s4 D$ Z
Please contact us at (852)-27491011 to get more information
Bill Tang     MSN:billtang@openplatform.com.hk
Openplatform Technology Co.,Ltd. 資訊坊科技有限公司  
Tel: 852-27491011  Fax: 852-81483532
